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Knowledgebase : Account Questions
Yes, you can download a copy of your SVN and Trac data at any time through our web control panel. You can download the nightly hotcopy of your repository by logging into the Members Area ( and selecting the "Download Nightl...
Yes, IP restrictions can be put in place by our staff. Please contact with a list of IP addresses or network blocks which should have access to your account. For example, if you want to allow and the class C 222.222....
Yes, we have added support for shared developer logins. Both accounts must be within the same billing account. When enabled, any developer account password changes made to the primary account will also be applied to the developer account of the same nam...
Yes, developers can manage their own passwords at, or via the "Developer" area at To reset a developer's password, click on the "Forgot your password?" link under the Developer secti...
To see disk usage of your account you should login to the customers area. and go to the "Disk usage " option. Please take into account only your main account password can access the members’ area.
Access controls can be configured within the Members Area.First, log in to the Members Area at using your master account username (the name of your repository) and password.  Once logged in, follow the "Manage Developer Acc...
Visit the password reset page at: The password reset page includes two text fields, "username" and "email." Fill the username field in with your account username. This is the part of URLs that distinguishes you...
Yes, we have provided an API for user management and a Perl reference implementation of a command-line client. The CLI can be downloaded at We recommend that you call the CLI from your automation scripts, or modify ...
If you are having trouble reaching your account, please contact with the following information: 1. The specific command you are running 2. The exact error message you are seeing 3. Your IP address 4. Output of traceroute At...
WebDAV is a file transfer protocol. We use it to allow you to upload data to your homepage area. Data uploaded will be accessible via the web at  
Your browser may be caching credentials for our backup server. To avoid this, please close your web browser before logging in to your second account to retrieve your backups.